
Team to Tribe Workshop

Tribework is Philip Folsom’s critically acclaimed leadership and culture development workshop. It is the foundational knowledge centerpiece that empowers leaders with the wisdom to embark on the journey of becoming the hero of their own story. Leaders will be equipped with the ability to find larger meaning and purpose with a community that leads to legacy.

Tribework is a holistic and Interactive exploration of what makes both individuals and teams sustainably healthy and high performing. It provides the ancient wisdom of how to shape an environment where people can thrive with common vision, engage in healthy conflict, and accountability.

Tribework is a 2-3-hour interactive workshop that unlocks the 3 Master Maps of Humanity. These vital leadership lenses are explored using a combination of discussion, curriculum, and experiential activities. The experiential learning components of Tribework vary based on the program environment and timeframe.

I have worked with Philip individually, and I brought my leadership team to him for training. Few individuals combine the traits, skills, and insights that are present in Philip. He is truly special. When I introduced him to my team, I said “Philip has eyes to see, and he truly sees.” Many of us move through life with eyes, but never seeing. Some, like Philip, can see beyond the superficial and the temporal. This uncanny ability provides him insights into teams, cultures, and individuals. He also brought with him an incredible team of trainers, and every one of them left an imprint on us. Team dynamic, culture, and mission centrality are keys to success; Philip understands this. He can build these in teams, and he can fine tune them. I am forever grateful.
— Phil Phillips, Senior Vice President for Administration and Chief Administrative Officer at Pepperdine University



Tribework Master Maps

Hero’s Journey

• Goals, Intentions, Allies, and crossing challenging thresholds with both personal confidence as well as the power of supernatural aid.

• Leaders who gain a working knowledge of this foundational lens that all humans engage with the unknown affords them strategies to manage change in a healthy and high performing way.

• The Hero’s Journey is also known as the Group Development Wheel. This is an important roadmap for navigating change, conflict, and growth as a team.

• Experiential Component: “Get Free and Change the World” This is a whole group interactive challenge that forces the team to take a look at what it takes to cross the collaboration threshold of success.


Philip Folsom’s Archetype workshop is a unique and powerful combination of his personal 20-year experience facilitating both Behavior Styles and DiSC, coupled with his extensive knowledge of mythology and psychology. The use of mythology radically increases the implementation of the traditional quadrant-based psychometrics. Archetypes is highly interactive, experiential, and easily integrated into the ongoing developmental journey of the both the individual and team.

We will focus on:

• Behavioral Diversity & Leadership Versatility

• How to give and receive effective feedback and best practices for conflict resolution

• Where to explore for maximum personal and professional growth

• How to maximize behavior and growth, thus maximizing the 4 proof drivers: engagement, retention, efficiency and innovation.

Tribe Triangle

• Examining the difference between honor-based cultures and pride-based cultures

• Understanding how collaboration is the superpower of humanity and how to create it

• The foundations of high-performing cultures: Common Vision, Values, and Mission

• The importance of shaping environments of trust and safety and how to create them

• How to navigate conflict with skill and versatility

• Accountability and goal-setting to achieve sustainable and thriving tribes

